Foto: Telenor / Kilian Munch, Øyvind Aurkrust / Letten Foundation, Den Amerikanske Ambassaden, Zoja Sperstad, Stine Østby, StemmerettsjubileetVest-Agder Johnny Vaet Nordskog
"Thank you for your brilliant performance as presenter at the prize ceremony.
We have received great feedback, and it was a pleasure to work with you"
Randi Enebakk Due, leader of the Telenor International Culture Prize
"We got great reviews from the conference participants:
What a find! She is so knowledgeable"
Ella Ghosh
Senior Advisor Kif -
Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research
"You were so professional and we are very grateful for the research and hard work you put in to this event."
Anne Christine Lie
Outreach and Speaker Program Coordinator
U.S. Embassy Oslo